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Keep a reasonable distance from others

To reduce the number of visitors to our School Office, we have installed a Black Post Box for parents to drop forms, letters and any correspondence for school in to.

Parents should call or email the School Office rather than popping in as much as possible. Phone 020 8366 0521 or email and the team will respond to you as soon as possible during school hours.

Although the government has loosened control measures, it still advises we keep a reasonable distance from others in many instances.


Although improving, we ask all parents and carers to make sure pupils aim for 100% attendance to give them the educational time they need to catch up and succeed.

Please help us by making sure your child attends school every day. Calls will be made home for each absent child as the government has made it clear that attendance is compulsory for pupils unless there is a local or national lockdown, and if a child or household has COVID-19 or has to isolate.

Guidance for parents

Click here for a COVID-19 quick reference guide to help you make the right decisions if your child begins showing COVID-19 symptoms.