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At Bush Hill Park, we recognise the importance of science in developing children’s understanding and enthusiasm for the world around them.

Our principle aims are to provide all children with a positive and enjoyable experience of science at BHP, and to deliver the knowledge, skills and motivation to allow them to take full advantage of the science related opportunities and experiences that are presented to them now and in the future.  

In order to achieve this, our science provision teaches the National Curriculum programme of study within lessons where prominence is placed on encouraging children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for scientific concepts. We aim to teach lessons which motivate pupils to ask questions and open paths of enquiries to explore and find answers. Alongside this, we expect children to develop a strong scientific understanding of the topics covered through the acquisition of key knowledge and the application of skills as identified in the National Curriculum. This understanding is built on and developed as pupils progress through school.  

Furthermore, we aim to provide children with high quality scientific experiences outside the curriculum. We feel that children’s enjoyment, understanding and aspirations around science can be enriched by experiences such as school trips, yearly Science Week, external specialist visitors, learning about key scientific figures from diverse backgrounds, and more.  

Overall, the teaching and learning of science at BHP aims to enthuse and engage pupils, provide them with a comprehensive understanding of scientific knowledge and skills, and teach them the importance and relevance of science in understanding the world around them. We have a knowledge rich, vocabulary heavy curriculum that provides children with a variety of experiences, skills and knowledge in order to encourage future aspirations. We will create opportunities within the science curriculum to nurture the whole child, specifically through incorporating problem-solving, creativity, knowledge and resilience in order to best prepare children for a turbulent world. 

Useful Resources at home 

Busy Things

  • Busy Things has lots of games, interactive worksheets and tasks for children to complete for all subjects, including Science.
  • There are activities suitable for children from Nursery to Year 6.

Kiwi Co


The Royal Institution

Top Marks

The Royal Society put together this list of useful resources for parents: Here there is a variety of resources, including experiment ideas and activity sheets.