FSO - Sophie Smart
My role is to ensure that children are ready and able to learn by addressing any problems or concerns that they, or members of their family might have, so that they can do their very best in school. I liaise closely with parents and teachers to plan a way forward; to ensure that children feel safe, happy and supported.
I help to organise activities/events throughout the year, to help bring parents and children together in a relaxed and fun atmosphere at school.
I am a member of the Inclusion team, the team help to identify pupils who may benefit from my input or require specific interventions to be put in place.
I liaise with parents and carers to help them become part of the school community. I try to build close professional relationships with parents and offer assistance, advice and guidance and refer to additional agencies if and when required.
When Should I contact the Family Support Officer?
If you have any family concerns that you think are affecting your child in engaging with education please contact me. This can be concerns such as:
- Behaviour at home
- Concerns around Bullying
- Bereavement
- Self-Esteem
- Domestic Violence
- Separation Anxiety
- Sleeping
- Young Carer
- Friendships
- Absent parent
- Family disputes
- Keeping your child safe on the Internet
My role is to support you and your family by being:
- An active listener
- A guide
- Professional friend
- Reliable
- Approachable
- Non-judgemental
- Supporter of pupils, parents and carers
If you have any family concerns at all, please don't hesitate to contact me or pop in for a coffee and an informal discussion. You can find me on the school playground most mornings or ask for me at the school office, you can also book an appointment with me at the school office or by email at s.smart@bushhillpark.enfield.sch.uk.