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Financial management

Schools are now required to publish information regarding any staff who earn over £100,000 per year. In Bush Hill Park Primary School, no member of staff earns over this threshold.


The DfE provide a benchmarking tool for parents to compare schools. You can compare us with other similar or very different schools. Please click the link below.

Related Party Transactions

Staff and governors must declare any relevant financial, material or personal interest they may have and declare any conflicts of interest in any new procurement process.

Supplier Terms and Conditions

Good and services supplied to the school must be in accordance with the Contract, and must satisfy all appropriate British Standard Institute specification, Approved Codes of Practice or equivalent European Union Standard in terms of safety, quality and fit for purpose and in accordance with the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 and the Sale of Goods Act 1979 where applicable.

Bush Hill Park primary School abides by the Council’s Purchase Order standard Terms and Conditions. The Council’s offer is as set out in the Purchase Order and is made on these Terms. Together the Purchase Order and the Terms shall constitute the (Contract).