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At Bush Hill Park Primary School, we want to ensure that all of our students always have access to a strong and stable curriculum, and we will always work to ensure that we provide this, even in the event of school or bubble closure.

It is our intention to maintain our core purpose of teaching and learning. In the event of bubble closure or local/national restrictions we will continue to teach as effectively as possible, following our scheduled curriculum and continuing to offer a broad and balanced curriculum along with daily live lessons and interactions with class teachers. We will ensure that as a school we maintain a connection between staff, pupils and their families.

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Information for parents/carers

This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency in order to better understand what you and your child can expect from remote education in the event of local and national restrictions or if your child’s bubble is to remain at home.

Online learning tools

On 1st October 2020 the Department for Education (DfE) published a directive under the coronavirus act 2020, which states that all state-funded school age children must be provided “immediate access to remote education”. The DfE made clear within the Directive that “schools have a legal duty to provide remote education for state-funded, school-age children unable to attend school due to coronavirus (Covid-19)”. This direction came into force on 22nd October 2020 and will have effect “until the end of the current school year, unless it is revoked by a further direction”.

We are very fortunate to have been working with Microsoft Teams for some time now. Children across Bush Hill Park are very familiar with accessing this for work and online learning. On our website you will find many helpful tutorials reminding you how to access and submit work and assignments and how to engage in live lessons. You will also find our remote learning policy which also sets out the expectation for conduct online and how to keep yourself and your children safe.

The Remote Curriculum: Our Offer

All learning is set and accessed via MS Teams, including daily live lessons in Reading, Writing and Maths; a weekly timetable of live lessons for Science, History, Geography, RE, PSHE and PE; daily recorded fitness activities and weekly recorded Art and Music lessons. This is to ensure that children receive a curriculum that is reflective of their regular education and it is our intention to mimic this as closely as
possible through live lessons and tasks set. Including the availability of our teachers to respond to the needs of pupils via the MS Teams chat function. A curriculum timetable will be emailed to all parents weekly outlining sessions and timings and indicating topics and coverage so that preparations for supporting your child can be made. More information around what your child is learning can also be accessed through your child’s year group area on our website. 

We recognise that health and wellbeing are paramount and we appreciate that the level of work that might be undertaken by a child will reflect the differing situations and circumstances experienced by many at home. As such, teachers will make phone calls home regularly to children who are not engaging with live lessons or have been unable to access or submit work set. The phone calls will be to offer support and see what more we can do as a school to support you and your family
with remote learning.

In line with government guidance during lock down restrictions, it is essential that children and adults work from home wherever possible, however, where this is identified as detrimental to the wellbeing or education of a child the school will contact families and make arrangements for children to form part of the Key workers and Vulnerable children bubbles. Additionally, where access through electronic equipment or Internet usage is identified as a barrier to learning we will do our best to arrange access to a laptop, provide support in accessing the Internet or where necessary, in the event a child can neither access remote or face to face learning, we will provide paper copies of work to be completed at home.

In the event of a sudden or unexpected closure, lessons and work will be available in line with the typical school day. In the first few days of remote learning children can expect access to the full and balanced curriculum that is always on offer. This is due to our sequencing of core lessons delivered live daily and our foundation curriculum being timetabled and delivered weekly. We will make adaptations and alterations to the curriculum to ensure it is transferable remotely. But will not compromise on the quality of education we offer children. Nor will we deviate from our planned curriculum coverage unless absolutely necessary.

Remote teaching and daily study time

It is the expectation that your child follows the timetable for the week. This means being on time to attend all live lessons and completing the follow up activities and tasks for that lesson. With the pre-recorded lessons or set tasks, the expectation is that these are completed within the school day and submitted by 3.30pm daily. There is no expectation that the set tasks or pre-recorded lessons are only accessed at the times indicated on the timetable, however following the timetable as closely as possible will enable children to have access to support during teams at certain points of the day and will enable them to experience a broad and balanced curriculum. We expect that remote education (including delivery of lives lessons and independent work) will be accessed between 9am and 2.45pm each day.

Supporting access to remote education

We recognise that some pupils may not have suitable online access at home. To ensure fair and equal access for all children we make available laptops that can be sent home on a temporary basis so that children can access their online learning. Parents/ carers will need to make the office aware that they have difficulties accessing learning remotely and decisions will be made on an individual needs basis. We will also support parents to access MS Teams through a variety of different devices, including phones and gaming consoles.

Equally, if parents are concerned about limited access to the Internet then support will be provided to access this through directions to companies offering access for remote learning and through other possible means. In situations where there is no access to remote learning, children will in the first instances be invited to join the Key worker and Vulnerable children bubble. Where this is not an option, children will be supplied with the printed materials and resources necessary to access their learning and will speak with their class teacher in a weekly catch up.

If you are experiencing issues please contact your teacher via the year group email. 


Expectations for engagement and support

We believe that it is important that children are able to maintain as much of a routine as possible whilst they are learning remotely.

It is our expectation that children attend school remotely and on time each day.

Attendance of children logging on to teams and completing work will be recorded via ms teams. If children are unable to access home learning due to illness or any other absence you must report this through the school office as normal. All children identified as not engaging with online learning, will in the first instance receive a call from the class teacher to identify any support that may be needed to access their learning. Following this, all non-engagement will be recorded as non-attendance following our normal attendance reporting procedures.

We understand that working at home and supporting your children with home learning is an incredibly difficult balancing act, we have aimed to take the pressure off parents who may be working at home by providing live lessons. This means your support will need to take the form of encouraging your child to log in to every lesson and to support them to remain on task during their independent tasks, helping your child to prepare any resources they may need for the lesson, providing a quiet space for them to work and helping them to manage any distractions.

Below are the BHP remote learning guidelines we have shared with children and parents.

Monitoring engagement

Attendance of children logging on to teams and completing work will be recorded via ms teams. Daily and weekly reports can be easily accessed to enable teachers to track childrens log ins and usage of ms teams. At a first glance teachers can initially see who has engaged and with what lessons and tasks that day. In the first instance, if children have not engaged with learning that day and no call has been made to the office to explain attendance, the class teacher will call home to see if there is any support that can be offered to the child and family to help with remote learning.

Assessing progress

Feedback can take many forms and may not always mean extensive written comments for individual children. For example, whole-class feedback or quizzes marked automatically via digital platforms will form part of the methods teachers use to assess remote learning.

Teachers will continually review the work submitted by children via ms teams in the same way they would usually review and mark the work in childrens books. You can expect children to receive next steps and targets as they would usually in school in order to further extend their learning. Teachers will provide verbal and written feedback in maths and writing to support understanding. Teachers will continue to make use of assessment on target tracker and will continually monitor childrens achievements against national curriculum objectives.

Additional support for pupils with particular needs

We recognise that some pupils, for example some pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (send), may not be able to access remote education without support from adults at home. We acknowledge the difficulties this may place on families, and we will work with parents and carers to support those pupils. If you have any concerns or require additional support with this please contact the school. However, in the first instance all children who experience send are invited and encouraged to attend school where they can maintain as much of the structure and stability of school that they can and to allow children to continue working with familiar adults, particularly those who work one to one.

Where this is not possible and children are unable to attend school and are required to work remotely, children will be supported in much the same way they would be in school. Through differentiated tasks and through opportunities throughout the school day to catch up with familiar adults. There will be different expectations with regards to submitting some of the tasks and adaptations will be made in order for your child to demonstrate their learning and understanding. This will be explained to your child by their class teacher and other adults in their year group. Learning support assistants who work with your child will be available after live lessons to provide further explanation and support in a one to one capacity.

Remote education for self-isolating pupils

Remote education for self-isolating pupils due to the challenges of teaching pupils both at home and in school it will not be possible for the daily live lessons, feedback and remote learning curriculum offer to be maintained in the event that individual pupils are required to self-isolate. However, we will endeavour to ensure that the 10-day period of isolation will not affect overall learning, nor will it offer any opportunities for children to fall behind. With the support of parents and carers we can ensure that children are able to access adapted learning during the 10-day period of isolation.

In the event that a child needs to isolate at home independently work will be provided by the class teacher via teams or if necessary as hard copy packs. Again, the work will be as closely reflective of the ongoing curriculum as possible, although in cases where individuals are isolating it will not always be possible to accommodate live lessons or pre-recordings.

  • Work will be set by the class teacher on the ms teams page, for the children to complete at home, as they isolate. This will include core and foundation subjects and will also include links to other resources and websites to support learning.
  • There is an expectation that children dedicate as much of the typical school hours as possible (08:45am 3:15pm) to their learning whilst at home, although not always in a formal setting. We appreciate that learning can be accessed in a multitude of ways including the outdoors, games and recommended websites. Again, we appreciate that learning in this way or for this length of time may not always be possible and mental health and wellbeing must continue to be prioritised please make your class teacher/ the office aware of any concerns that you have or any additional support that you require.
  • Parents can email the office with any questions and teachers will phone home as a wellbeing check and to answer any queries.
  • The school office will contact parents to keep up to date with information surrounding the return to school.
  • Children will still have access to teams and can request support via this method, although responses will not be as readily available during the school day due to teaching commitments, so any urgent queries or concerns should be emailed to the school office.

Online Safety support